Vegan Food

Vegan Big Mac Orzo Pasta Salad (Risoni Recipe) 

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This Orzo Pasta Salad transforms a savoury, vegan Big Mac burger into a flavourful pasta salad. Tender orzo pasta, juicy vegan beef, and classic burger toppings all tossed together with a creamy, tangy Vegan Big Mac Sauce. Skip the boring, predictable pasta salad this summer wow your guests with this nostalgic comfort classic instead. 

Why You’ll Love This Recipe 

  • Can be served as a main dish. There’s a time and place for a veggie-centred pasta salad, but this Big Mac Pasta Salad hits the spot when you’re craving something more comfort worthy. If you are looking for a pasta salad packed with fresh herbs and an assortment of fresh vegetables, you’ll love Liv’s Summer Pasta Salad with Balsamic Herb Vinaigrette
  • Dressed with a homemade vegan Big Mac sauce. ​We’ve cracked the code on the BEST homemade vegan Big Mac Sauce and have used it as the pasta salad dressing in this orzo pasta salad. It truly takes the flavour to the next level and makes this salad taste just like a burger. 
  • It’s packed with extra protein. Orzo pasta is surprisingly rich in protein compared to other varieties of pasta and when combined with the vegan beef, this salad is much higher in protein than your average light pasta salad. 

Key Ingredients and Substitutions 

  • Orzo pasta – Orzo is a rice-shaped pasta. It’s a popular ingredient in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cooking and can be used in much more than just pasta dishes. In addition to using orzo to make this fresh pasta salad, give it a try in this Creamy Dijon Orzo Skillet dish!
  • Vegan beef – For convenience, I recommend using your favourite store-bought vegan beef. Lightlife, Beyond Meat, Impossible, and Gardein are all good choices. If you’d prefer to make your own homemade vegan beef, try my Homemade Vegan Steak recipe and chop it into a ground beef like texture. 
  • Vegan Big Mac Sauce – Classic Big Mac Sauce is not vegan-friendly because it contains eggs, but making your own version is very quick and easy. For the full recipe and dressing ingredients, check out our full blog post here: Vegan Big Mac Sauce Recipe
  • Toppings – To make this orzo pasta salad just like a Big Mac, it’s important to pack it with Big Mac flavours and toppings. I recommend adding diced white onion, sweet relish, shredded lettuce, vegan cheese, and toasted sourdough croutons with sesame seeds as the hamburger bun. If you have additional burger topping favourites, feel free to add them in!

How to Make Big Mac Orzo Pasta Salad

  1. Cook the orzo. Bring a large pot of water to a boil and cook the orzo pasta according to package instructions or until al dente. Once tender, strain the cooking water and set the orzo aside to cool while you prepare the remaining ingredients. 
  2. Brown the vegan beef and onion. Place a medium skillet on the stovetop over medium heat. Once warm, add the vegan beef and onion. Cook until the onions are translucent and the beef is fully cooked and browned. Set aside to cool. 
  3. Toast the homemade croutons. Add the cubed or ripped chunks of bread to a parchment lined baking sheet. Season with Italian seasoning then drizzle with olive oil or another cooking oil of choice. Bake for 6-9 minutes, or until crispy and toasted. Set aside to cool. 
  4. Assemble the pasta salad. While the croutons are toasting, add the strained orzo pasta to a large serving bowl along with the relish, vegan beef and onions, vegan cheese, shredded lettuce, and homemade Vegan Big Mac Sauce. Mix well to combine. 
  5. Serve. Serve this orzo pasta salad immediately topped with toasted croutons and sesame seeds, or refrigerate until chilled. Enjoy!

Ideas for Serving

This orzo pasta salad can be served slightly warm, room temperature, or chilled. It’s hearty enough to be enjoyed as a main course and is best served with additional sides such as Air Fryer Roasted PotatoesCrispy Onion Rings, or Creamy Avocado Fries.

If you’re looking for additional vegan pasta salad recipes, you’ll love these blog favourites: 

How to Store

Leftover orzo pasta salad will keep for up to 5 days when stored in an airtight container. If you are planning to prepare this pasta salad for meal prep, I would recommend storing the toasted croutons separately. If mixed into the salad before refrigerating, they will become soggy. Instead, the toasted croutons will keep best at room temperature in an airtight container and top just before serving. 

Freezing pasta salad is not recommended. 

Recipe FAQs 

Is orzo Greek or Italian?

The exact origins of orzo pasta is not entirely known. Orzo is commonly used in both Greek and Italian cuisine and is considered a staple ingredient in both Greece and Italy. If you’re interested in a Greek-inspired pasta salad, try this Greek Pasta Salad made with juicy tomatoes, green bell pepper, chopped red onion, salty feta cheese (vegan!) and briny olives. It’s perfect for quick work or school lunches and can be served at a summer BBQ! You can even swap out the penne pasta with orzo pasta for a greek orzo pasta salad.

​What is orzo made of?

Orzo is made from durum wheat semolina and water. It is not gluten-free, but if you are gluten-free, there are varieties of gluten-free orzo available in grocery stores. 

​Should I rinse the pasta with cold water?

Some people recommending rinsing the pasta with cold water when preparing a pasta salad because it helps to cool the pasta. I personally don’t recommend it – by simply straining, the excess starches on the pasta remain and help the dressing stick to the pasta and makes a creamier, more delicious pasta salad. 

What is another name for orzo pasta?

In Italy, orzo is known as “risoni,” which translates to “rice” in Italian. It’s said that orzo was originally given this name because of it’s rice-like shape. Any recipe that calls for risoni can be made with orzo as both ingredients can be used interchangeably. 

More Big Mac-Inspired Recipes to Try Next

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Big Mac Orzo Pasta Salad (Vegan Risoni Reipe)

  • Author: Gregs Vegan Gourmet


This Orzo Pasta Salad transforms a savoury, vegan Big Mac burger into a flavourful pasta salad. Tender orzo pasta, juicy vegan beef, and classic burger toppings all tossed together with a creamy, tangy Vegan Big Mac Sauce. Skip the boring, predictable pasta salad this summer wow your guests with this nostalgic comfort classic instead. 


Pasta Salad

  • 1 1/2 cups orzo pasta uncooked
  • 1 package vegan ground beef
  • 1/2 diced white onion
  • 1/3 cup sweet relish
  • 2 cups shredded lettuce
  • 1 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 1/2 cup vegan Big Mac sauce
  • 1/4 loaf sourdough bread (optional)
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp Italian seasoning
  • 2 tbsp sesame seeds


  1. preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. In a large pot, bring water to a boil and cook orzo according to package instructions before straining.
  3. Meanwhile, bring a medium skillet to heat and add vegan beef and onion. Cook until onions are translucent and beef is browned. Set aside to cool.
  4. (optionL) Add 2×2″ ripped chunks of sourdough bread to a parchment lined baking sheet. Toss in Italian seasoning and drizzle with olive oil before cooking in oven for 6-9 minutes or until crispy and slightly browned. Set aside to cool.
  5. While the croutons are toasting, add strained orzo pasta to a large serving bowl and mix with relish, vegan beef mixture, vegan cheese, shredded lettuce, and vegan Big Mac sauce mixture. Let fully cool in the fridge or serve immediately.
  6. When ready to serve, top the pasta salad with toasted croutons and sesame seeds.

One Comment

  1. Wow, this recipe looks absolutely delicious! I can’t wait to try it out this weekend. Thanks for sharing🤗!I’ve been using FoodHub for a few months now, and I’m hooked! The variety of cuisines and recipes available is incredible, and I love that I can easily filter by dietary preferences. It’s made meal planning so much simpler and more enjoyable.

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